I picked February when the bulletin board volunteer sheet went around the teacher's meeting. This was a class of 8th through 10th graders that I helped teach in their Confirmation year. This board was done with digital photos of the students in class and graphics with PrintMaster. Any card or print program should be able to do similar graphics.
When time goes long and your material runs short, here are some ideas to fill those minutes in the CCD or Sunday School classroom.
Blog Archive
- Storytelling tips
- Rewards: Aquarium
- Craft: Valentine's Day
- Map: Bible locations
- Bulletin Boards - borders
- Name Tags: badge generator
- Bulletin Board - Easter
- Photos - Caricature
- Bulletin Board - Respect Life
- Craft: Potpourri Pie
- Bulletin Board - Winter
- Song: Ten Commandments
- Bulletin Board: Veterans and Military
- Bulletin Board: February
- Humor Break
- Lots of Songs
- Twelve Disciples Song
- Vacation Bible School Theme: Time Tunnel
- Cryptogram for Snakebite